Friday, November 15, 2013

Disney Plans Massive Share Buyback (DIS)

Walt Disney Corporation (DIS) announced that it will be increasing its share buyback in fiscal 2014.

In the last few years, Disney has been buying back approximately $4 billion in shares every year, but that was planned to be $6 billion next year. The company has now announced that fiscal 2014 will see $8 billion in share buybacks, sending Disney’s stock surging for the day.

The company also promises to approach high budget films with a higher sense of caution after a disastrous summer movie season that saw films like “The Lone Ranger” flop; that film is now expected to lose around $190 million when all is said and done.

Disney shares were up $1.55, or 2.37%, at market close today. The stock is up over 31% this year.

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