Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tech Dividend-Payers Look Good As Stocks Surge

Forbes Dividend Investor subscribers received this update on October 18.

If you read newspapers or listen to talking heads that light up cable TV news—or if you get your news from the likes of Leno, Letterman or Jon Stewart—you no doubt know that the 17-day government shutdown is over and that the country isn't going to stiff its creditors. Congress and the president bought three more months to figure out what to do about the budget and debt ceiling, so if you're a rational person, you should expect more capital shenanigans in early 2014.

John Elway in Denver, and Brett Favre in Green Bay, conditioned Broncos and Packers fans to expect that they would always pull off the win with a scoring drive in the last two minutes. In similar fashion, our honorable elected officials went down to the wire before striking a deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling.

It's been a rather recurrent modus operandi in Washington.  Going back to the summer of 2011, there have been almost as many of these deadlines for doom and government-created crises as there have been movies in the Rocky (six) or Jaws (four) series.

Don't lose sleep, though.  Shutdowns and the ensuing rebound have been decent for stocks, and this time was no different.  According to Sam Stovall at S&P Capital IQ, the S&P 500 slipped 4% during the 1995-1996 shutdown, but it then rose almost 11% in the month after resolution. Even after the U.S. debt downgrade in August 2011, when the market took a 20% dive, it was hitting new highs six months later.

This time around, every major U.S. stock index, with the conspicuous absence of the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed the week at a new high. The Dow was weighed down by big weakness in IBM and Goldman Sachs after disappointing earnings reports, and rose 1.07% for the week.

The Russell 2000 Small Cap Index jumped 2.81% on the week, and the S&P 500 was up 2.42% to 1744.  It's a bullish signal to see small caps outperforming large caps as they continue to do.

Nasdaq was the big winner, up 3.23%, and fueled by a 15% weekly gain in shares of Google, which released blowout earnings late Thursday and closed above $1,000 per share on Friday.  Nasdaq is up an impressive 38% since last November.  Google itself is up 56% in the same period. Social media stocks are full of momentum, too. Facebook is a triple from its post-IPO bottom last year.

Several stocks from the technology sector—Microsoft (MSFT), Intel (INTC), Corning (GLW) and Cisco Systems (CSCO)–remain on this week's Top 25 list of buy recommendations.

Another tech name among our recommendations is Apple (AAPL).  Apple was up 3.26% last week, and it closed decisively above its rising 50-day moving average. Technicians will bullishly note that AAPL's 50-day average crossed above the 200-day on September 9. In price only, Apple is up 18.8% since the March 13 buy recommendation at $428.35.

Still Beating The Market

Since July 11, 2012, investing equal amounts into each of our 216 dividend stock picks, and following explicit sell recommendations, would have produced a total return of 25.3% with an average yield on cost of 5.6%.  Buying the SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) at each of the same times would have returned 17.7% with an average yield near 2%.

Top 25 New Money Buys

Below is the Top 25, ranked by score on our model.  Other recommendations may also be suitable for fresh buying, but these 25 stocks rank highest along the criteria by which they were originally chosen. The three columns on the far right show each stock's percentage discount from five-year average multiples on ratios of price to sales, book value and earnings.  Questcor Pharmaceuticals (QCOR) made it back into the Top 25 last Friday and gained 9.8% last week. –JD


Above are the top 10 stocks for fresh buying recommended in Forbes Dividend Investor. Click here for a 30-day free trial with instant access to the complete Top 25, and two new picks each week.

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